7 Random Things About Me
Courtesy of Facebook, there are a raft of memes doing the round – 25 Things About My Life, Several Things About My Marriage, 7 Lords I’m Leaping ... whatever. I’ve seen the 7 Random Things About Me on a few of my favourite blogs so I thought I’d join in.
(Humour me, would you?)
1. My great-grandmother had a ticket for the Titanic’s maiden (and only) voyage. Not sure how it transpired she didn’t use it but suffice to say she found some other way to make it from the UK to the States. (Where my grandmother was born in Pennsylvania).
2. My husband and I have lived together since the day we met. In a shared flat in London that we shared with 24 other people at any one time. But, since people came and went pretty frequently, it seemed like we shared it with about 700 others.

We spent more time at the Spotted Dog pub than our Willesden Green house.
3. I have no idea what I’m doing with this blog. But I’ve always been a writer. And I like communicating with women, mothers, parents, people ... who have no idea what they are doing but are giving it a red hot go and trying to be true to themselves even while honouring their responsibilities. Every week when I check out my web analytics and find out more and more people are viewing pages I’m surprised and a bit chuffed.
4. The day Princess Diana died I was living in Dublin and saw U2’s Pop Mart concert that night.
5. I thought motherhood was going to be easier than it was. I loved babies. I had travelled the world (sometimes on my own). Had a nice career. I was capable. But that beautiful baby boy brought me to my knees in the first few weeks and months. Three and a half years later, bringing home my little girl was less scary but I still have my moments when incarceration and a straight jacket sound like the makings of a nice holiday.
6. I am constantly asked if my background is Spanish even though I was born in Australia, so were both my parents and one set of grandparents and before that was all anglo.

7. I fell over Iggy Pop at a nightclub once. That’s actually bullshit. It wasn’t me; it was my friend Dean but I love that story and a good writer never lets the truth stand in the way of a good story.
Please share! – I want to know 7 random facts about you (send me a link to your blog if you like).