6 of the Best: colonics, Gilmore Girls, the British and more
6 items of note from 6 different channels
Considering all of the many sources of merriment, myth and
maudlin I chug through all week I can tell you for free that there is much gold in them thar hills (and by hills,
evidently I don’t mean Clinton).
There is so much epic content to be had - from The Twits, interwebs,
Insta, poddies, the Book of Face, idiot box streaming, music streaming, mags, the
bookiverse, LinkedIn (a serious platform requires no nickname) and even from real life conversations.
Here's what took my fancy this week:
1. Netflix: Gilmore Girls
In the lead up to next week's 4 new episodes (marked in big letters on my calendar ... sadly, for real), for the past four months I have made my way back down
memory lane and through seven seasons of Gilmore Girls. At 22 episodes per season, it’s been a big commitment, people. Along the way I have recruited one of my
children who is now just as hooked on the adventures of Lorelei and Rory as me. My - some might say brainwashed - offspring has suggested that I
walk down the aisle to the Gilmore Girls theme song at my wedding next year. Alas, my fiancé - who
has been privy to the opening song every time we watch an ep - has promised
that in the event it is played at our nuptials, I will pass him on his way out.
The second last scene of the final episode nearly 10 years ago
says it all. *sniff*
2. Conversations – Dick Braithwaite on coming to terms with his father's history
If you’re not familiar with this podcast - Conversations with Richard Fidler - make yourself
acquainted. STAT! Whatever you’re into, it has your back. Whatever you’re not
into, you will rethink your interest. Bow down to the interviewer du jour,
Richard Fidler.
This episode got me thinking on so many levels. It features
the late Dick Braithwaite speaking about his father’s experiences as a POW in a
Japanese camp in Borneo – and his life after. Fascinating.
It's also an insightful discussion about processing and trying to overcome feelings of post-war hate.
As someone who's never had time for narrow-minded bigotry,
I’ve always been dismissive of people with racist views and I suspect that will never change. But, this reminded me that you can never judge someone unless you've walked in their shoes and that whether you agree with another person's standpoint or not, you need to give them the benefit of compassion.
Listen to the whole conversation here.
3. Twitter
![]() |
(Still a better logo IMO) |
4. Instagram
In short, I want this 'effin' book.
5. LinkedIn: These four words that
may offend you ... may also just save you by Louis M. Profeta
My take:
I’m in two minds about this
article, but I couldn’t help feel warmly towards Dr Profeta all the same. However,
understandably, many of her audience members did not feel the warm and fuzzies
after Dr P uttered four particular words at a conference. Four very provocative
words as it turned out.
It’s hard to say where to draw
the line between professional passion and losing perspective. Months ago,
my attention was drawn to an international content agency seeking new freelance writers. I got
in contact and was pleased to receive a reply saying they liked my style and I
might be a good fit for them.
Then the clanger.
They wanted me to write a piece
which they would upload (to an unspecified site), and if I received lots of
good feedback and click-throughs they would add me to their stable of hundreds (not exaggerating this, they
actually said ‘hundreds’) of other freelancers and when and if a job came up
that they thought suited my writing, they would engage with me. The initial,
trial piece from me would be unpaid.
I replied with a respectful decline of the offer; explaining that while I understood why an up-and-coming writer might find the
process valuable and if they had so many people writing for them, it might be a
worthwhile system, as an established professional writer I had a policy not to
write for free but many thanks for the opportunity. This agency head emailed
back almost immediately saying (and I quote) “I can’t in sound mind pair writers with
companies like [Big Name], [Big Name], [Big Name], [Big Name] and [Big Name], without
evaluating their ability to write engaging content …”
I had two thoughts about this: a) I have
written for two of those Big Name companies with great results and my portfolio could be
a very good clue as to how engaging I can (or cannot) write; and b) mate, you’re
not curing cancer.
Which brings me back to this article. Doctors
do cure cancer. Was Louis M. Profeta MD out of line for downplaying the importance of that particular profession? TBH, I
don’t think so. But, what do you think?
Read the article here.
6. Trinny London gets a colonic
I truly love this woman and I applaud her bottle. I just couldn’t
look away, except for quite a few times. Not rushing out to get a colonic any time soon but I do appreciate
the education.
Watch it here.
Turn offline. Tune life in.
Happy Friday 💖