What I learned today: GNH

Whether I'm researching a magazine article or dreaming up some K-POW! advertising copy, I am always stumbling across some wondrous new fact or another. And because I am nothing if not a chicky babe that loves to dole out unsolicited info willy nilly, please be upstanding for and educated on .... what I learned today:

South Asian country, Bhutan has an official Gross National Happiness. Yep. It is a measure of progress that promotes its people's contentment as the ultimate goal.

Visitors to Bhutan are charged a daily tariff of $250 - but this is all inclusive of basic accommodation, food and transport, plus a personal driver and guide.

I think every country could do with a Gross National Happiness count. If you listened to all the griping over the upcoming federal election here in Australia, you might be persuaded to think that we would score higher on the misery-ometer but looking around at all we have, I'd like to think our GNH would be pretty darn impressive.

And if your smile quota has not been met today. Check this out:

Colour me happy.
N xx

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